Farmar Families is a database of research information for descendants of Thomas F. Farmar (abt 1763 -1832) and his wife Grace Broadley (1767-1844) of Eythorne and Dover, England. Each page of the database contains a chronological listing of research findings for one person. Counting Thomas and Grace as generation one, the data covers five generations of the Farmar family. People known to be living are excluded from the database, as well as those born after 1910 for whom no death date has been found.
Use the SURNAME INDEX or the FARMAR DESCENDANTS chart as an entry point for the database. Each information item is followed by a coded source name and page or volume numbers in parentheses. Look up the coded source name under the SOURCES menu tab to obtain the full bibliographic reference for that source.
Select the menu tabs above for the following pages:
Home. General information about the database
Contributors. Appreciation for those who have contributed to this Farmar project
Farmar Descendants. A genealogical chart showing Farmar descendants for five generations
Surname Index. An index of all persons in the database. All Farmar descendants as well as spouses, parents of spouses, children of spouses, other relatives of spouses, etc., are included in this index.
Icons. Identification of the icons that explain why a particular person is in the database
Sources. Bibliographic information for every source code in the database
FAQs and data rules. How to find what you are looking for in Farmar Families
10 most wanted. A listing of the most elusive Farmars in the early generations
Who is? Some people to watch for when you are reading Farmar Families
Farmar surname. Origins of the Farmar surname and other Farmar families
By the numbers. A short section of statistics for this database
Are you related to someone in the Farmar Families database? Please let me know if you have additional Farmar documents, letters, diaries, photographs, etc. to add to the database. Also please let me know if you have corrections, whether they are major or minor. I believe I have linked the correct persons in the course of my research, but I am anxious to be corrected if I am wrong. Please help to make this database an accurate source of information for Farmar family researchers.
This website is still a work in progress. There are dozens of resources that I am anxious to consult for more Farmar information. However, I have promised myself (and my husband) that I will wait to search for more until after I finish the data entry for the stack of new Farmar information that I already have on the corner of my desk. The current outpouring of valid genealogical information on the internet amazes me daily. Volunteer indexing projects provide easy access to information from around the world that used to require hours of frame by frame searching of microfilm rolls. New online archives of nineteenth century newspapers from around the world will certainly provide additional Farmar information. It is a great day for a genealogist with a computer and a lot of time. Check back frequently for more good information on Farmar Families.
It is my intention to publish Farmar Families in book form in the future. Narrative summaries will be included in addition to the current lists of research data.