Peter John Atkins

Male, (1825 - 1877)
FatherJohn Atkins (circa 1774 - circa 1855)
MotherElizabeth Farmar (1796 - 1852)
RelationshipGrandson of Thomas F. Farmar
ChartsFarmar Descendants
Note NOTE: 27 Jan 1824 is birth date on Seamans register ticket for 1845. BUT he was prob born in 1825 since Jan 1824 would be too close to birth of sister Susanna circa Oct 1823. 
BirthPeter John Atkins was born 27 January 1825 in Deal, Kent, England. 
INFO BAPTISM. Deal Parish, 25 Feb 1825. Peter John, son of John & Elizabeth Atkins of Lower St. Lower Deal, Mariner. (DealSLenPRBt LLDS1786327 1825 #2207.) 
INFO ROYAL GREENWICH HOSPITAL SCHOOL INDEX TO RECORDS. Peter John Atkins, son of John and Elizabeth Atkins, admitted 13 May 1836, born 27 Jan 1825. (NatArchDisco.) 
INFO APPRENTICE INDENTURE. Merchant Navy. 22 Jun 1839. Peter J. Atkins, age 14-5 apprenticed to master: Wm Gaitskill on ship Thomas. (UKApprNavAnc.) 
INFO SEAMEN REGISTER BT112. Peter Atkins [age] 19 Deal. Voyage: as Cy5?? 64.524 14.5.44 Boadicea Left in prison at Calcutta 26.9.43. (SeaRegSer2 LDS1502079 p.46.) 
INFO SEAMEN REGISTER.BT113/114 #162604. Peter John Atkins, age in 1845 and age when ticketed 21, Peter John Atkins b. Deal 27 Jan 1824. Capacity: Seaman. Height 5 ft, 5 in. Complexion Fresh, Hair Brown, Eyes: Grey. First went to sea as Boy in 1838. Not in navy or foreign serv. When unemployed, resides at Deal. Issued at Hull, 30 Apr 1845. Voyages in 1845-46-47 and 1851 listed. 1845: S 1176-6?? 64 1845. 1527.75 12.45. 1846:S[?] 1856-75 6.46 58-106 6/46 2M 12 8571 64.195. 1847 2M: [?not legible]. 1851 S 984-63 6-51 484-64 12.51 (SeaReg1845 LDS1482568 #162604.) 
INFO MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. St. Mary's Parish of Bermondsey, Surrey, #80. Peter John Atkins, full age, bachelor, mariner, residence Bermondsey; father John Atkins. Ann Taylor, same [full age], spinster, residence Bermondsey, father Thos Taylor. Married in the Parish Church by Banns. Witnesses Benjm? Phillips, John Wise. [Note X mark of Ann Taylor.] (GBCertMarONS.) 
MarriageHe married Ann Taylor, daughter of Thomas Taylor, 21 October 1851 in Bermondsey, Surrey, England. 
INFO CIV REG INDEX Marriage. 1851 DecQ Atkins, Peter John Bermondsey IV,7. (GBCivRegInd LDS6102557.) 
INFO INDEX REF Navy list 1858. Exam passes to date. Masters and Mates. Peter John Atkins, Cert.#8765. Also Home Trade Passenger Ships, Cert.#10081 mate,1855, London examining board (EKPI ref.21-8-cl 27Jun01.) 
INFO MATE CERTIFICATE. 19 Dec 1855. Borad of Trade Certificate of Competency. Mate of a Home Trade Passenger Ship to Peter John Atkins. Given 18 Dec 1855, entered at the General Register and Record Office of Seamen, 19 Dec 1855. Certificate and supporting document in file "UK and Ireland Masters and Mates Certificates" - on -- No. of Certificate: 100081. Peter John Atkins [signature], 12 West Street North, Bermondsey, b. 1824 at Deal, Kent. No.of register ticket 162.604. "This Cerificate is granted upon an Examination passed at London on the seventeenth day of December 1855." Issued at London 20th Dec 1855. "A Certificate of Competency as a 2nd Mate for a Foreign going vessel no.8765 returned and not?? C.S. 58,565. (UKMasCertAnc.) 
INFO MATE'S CERTIFICATE. Register ticket 162.604. Mate's Certificate of Service no. 59.565. Peter John Atkins, b. Deal, Kent, 27 Jany 1824 has been employed in the Capacities of App Seaman & Mate 18 years in the British Merchant Service in Coasting & Foreign Trade. [signature]. Issued at London 10 Jul 1858. Certificate and supporting document in database "UK and Ireland Masters and Mates Certificates." on Supporting document: Mate's Claim for Certificate of Service. Peter John Atkins, b. Deal, Kent, 27 Jan 1824. Service: Ship Mark Palmer, Sunderland, as A Seaman, Coasting, Sep 1845 to 1845. Ship Iberia, London, as A Seaman, in Foreign trade, 1845-1845. Ship Sarah Jane, Newscastle, A Seaman, Coasting, Dec 1845-1846. Ship Rosebud, Newcastle, A Seaman, Coasting, Nov 1846-Dec 1846. Ship Earl of Glanearty, Wisbrach?, A Seaman, Coasting, Apr 1848-29 Apr 1848. Ship Vine ?, Scarbro, Secd Mate, Foreign trade, Apr 1846-May 1846. Ship Wihington? ... [lines not clear]... Ship John Bull, London, A Seaman, Coasting, 1848-Dec 1849, Feb 1850-Aug 1850, Nov 1850-Jan 1853, Jun 1853-Jul 1853. Ship William Joliffe, London, A Seaman, Coasting, Aug 1850-Oct 1850. Signed P.J. Atkins, 54 Blandford Terrace, Granger Road, Bermondsey. Requests Certificate at Port of London. (UKMasCertAnc.) 
INFO MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. District Parish Church, Parish of St. John the Baptist Hoxton, County of Middlesex. #220. 1 Aug 1860 Peter John Atkins, of full age, widower, mariner, residence: East Street. Father: John Atkins, deceased, gentleman. Susan Gammon, of full age, spinster. Residence East Street, Father: Nathaniel Gammon, butcher. Married ...acc to the rites and ceremonies of the established church by banns. Witnesses: Nathaniel Gammon, Susannah Robinson Atkins. (GBCertDeaONS 1860 SepQ Shoreditch 1c,431.) 
MarriagePeter John Atkins married Susan Gammon, daughter of Nathaniel Gammon, 1 August 1860 in Middlesex, England. 
INFO CIV REG INDEX Marriage 1860 SepQ Atkins, Peter John Shoreditch 1c,431. (FreeBMD.) 
INFO CENSUS 1861 (7 Apr 1861). Ship Moselle of London 347 tons, bound for Hamburg. #2 Peter Atkins, Mariner, 36, Chief Mate, b.Deal, Kent. (GBCens1861 LDS543286 RG9/4447 80A.) 
INFO MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. Marriage at parish church , Parish of St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex. #439[?]. 3 Sep1867 Peter John Atkins, full age, widower, master mariner, residence : Charing Cross. Father -John Atkins, gentleman. Frances Wood, full age spinster, residence: Charing Cross. Father-George Frederick Wood, gentleman. Married in the parish church acc to the rites and ceremonies of the established church after banns. Witnesses: John Henry Clayson, Sophia Cox.(GBCertMarONS 1865 SepQ St.Martin 1a,801.) 
MarriagePeter John Atkins married Frances Wood 3 September 1865 in Middlesex, England. 
INFO CIV REG INDEX Marriage 1865 SepQ Atkins, Peter John St. Martin 1a,801. (FreeBMD.) 
INFO LLOYDS CAPTAINS REG. 1869 book. Atkins, Peter John. Deal 1824. Cert as master #8765, London, 1862, F. and A. [for fore and aft rigged vessels only]. Service record, mainly coastal trade: Metropolitan 1862-66, Neptune 1863. Perth 1863. Hamburg 1864. Trident 1864-66, Heron 1866, Maas 1866, Stork 1867. (LloydCapBook LDS1482885 #1.) 
INFO LLOYD'S CAPTAINS REG, 1869-1873. Atkins, Peter John. Deal 1824. Certif #8765 London 1862. Voyages: 1869 Stork Jun 30. 1870 Stork Jan 14, Jun 30, Libra. 1871 Libra Jun 30 Dec31 1872 Libra 30 Jun Dec31. 1873 Libra stranded and got off Jan 9/18 Jun 26. Pioneer Jun 30. Forth Dec31. (LloydCapReg LDS1482885#2.) 
INFO CENSUS 1871 (2 Apr 1871).Bermondsey (Southwark, St. Mary Magdalene), Surrey. 116 Alscot Rd. Peter J. Atkins, head, mar 44, master mariner b. Deal Kent. Wife Fanny 41 b. Canterbury. Children b. Bermondsey Surrey: Dtr Susanah, unmar 18 home duties. Son Frederick P. unmar 4. Dau Jennie unmar 2, Son Percy J. unmar 9months. Domestic servant Isabella McKings, 20. (GBCens1871 LDS818927 RG10/630 f.56 p.52.) 
INFO LLOYDS CAPTAINS REG. John Peter [sic] Atkins Deal 1824. "DEAD" C#8765 London 1862 FPA. Voyages, all Ct=coastal trade: [dates not copied here] 1874- Forth, Ostrich, 1875- Ostrich, Wansbeak, Lipton?, Libra, Velocity. 1876-Pilot, Dolphin. 1877 Dolphin collision, drowned May 24. (LloydCapReg LDS1482889.) 
DeathPeter John Atkins died 24 May 1877 in at sea at age 52. 
INFO INQUEST REPORT. 28 May 1877. Inquest held Saturday [26 May 1877] at Three Tuns Tavern, Whitecross St., City, re death of Peter J. Atkins, age 50, "who lost his life while at sea under peculiar circumstances. Evidence of chief mate Chas Jones, deceased was captain for Steam Navigation Co., commander of the "screw ship" Cabulea engaged in trading between London and Antwerp. Left Antwerp Wednesday last. Captain had something to drink, but was not drunk. When betw Margate and Ramsgate Thurs Morning, he "appeared upon deck and spoke to some of the men. When no one was looking at him, he was heard to say either "I am going," or "Here I go", and the mate" saw him falling over the side of the ship into the water. Died before he could go on board. Verdict: Accidental Death. (TimesLond 1877 28 May 11a.) 
INFO REGISTER of Deaths at Sea. May 1877. Ship:Capulet. Official no. 70382. Date of arrival 5.77. Date of death 24.5.77. Peter John Atkins, 53, master, English nationality. Last abode 16 Herefield Rd. Brockley S.E. Cause of death: drowned, member of crew (not passenger). (DeathSea1888 LDS1483314 f.250.) 
INFO SHIP IDENTITY. CAPULET is correct name. "Cabulea" is probably a misrepresentation of the pronunciation of "Capulet". Verified in Lloyd's register for 1877. Master of the Capulet for this period is "Atkin". (LloydsReg LDS6025155 1877.) 
INFO INQUEST reported 2 Jun 1877. By Mr. Payne at Three Tuns, Whitecross st, London, re death of Captain Peter J. Atkins, 50, drowned on sea voyage. In service of Steam Navigation Co., "for some years had command of steamship 'Cabulea'." Ship left Antwerp en route to London. In evening he "appeared very curious in his manner", had difficulty breathing. Chief mate Jones took command. Next morning Atkins asked for cup of coffee, was seen with coffee on deck, and was heard to call out "Here, I am going" or "I am gone" as he fell over side of ship into water. Rescue boats recovered him, but he was dead before being brought on board ship. Body to London. Jury verdict: accidental death. (IllusPolNews 2 Jun 1877.) 
INFO CIV REG INDEX Death 1877 JunQ Atkins, Peter John 52 London City 1c,42. (FreeBMD.) 
INFO PROBATE CALENDAR. 1877. Atkins, Peter John. Effects under £1000. 1 August. Will of Peter John Atkins late of 16 Harefield-road New Cross, Kent, Master mariner, who died 24 May 1877 at sea was proved at the Principal Registry by John Henry Clayson of 114 Alscot-road Bermondsey Surrey Compositor. (PPRCalen LDS251257.) 
INFO WILL. Will of Peter John Atkins proved 1 Aug 1877 London, oath of John Henry Clayson sole executor. Will written 24May1866. All property to dear wife Frances until her death. After her death all to be divided equally among all children both sons and daughers (or their heirs by representation). (PPRWills LDS1850926 1Aug1877.) 
INFO DEATH DUTY INDEX. Index entry for Peter Atkins PR/1086. (DeaDutInd LDS1937723 1877) Note: full file not at SLC Feb01. 
INFO MARINE DEATHS INDEX 1877 Atkins, Peter John, age 53, reg distr: Cabulea? [ship], page 98. (MarDeaInd LDS6137197.) 

Family 1

Ann Taylor

Family 2

Frances Wood (circa 1827 - 1903)